Come sit with me, let's visit

Come sit with me, let's visit

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Addressing the Dead

Addressing the dead. I have done so many times. Those who have family around and the death came as a surprise (he just came back from a run!). I have been with those that knew death was coming and had made many arrangements for the deceased months ago (I am just there to embrace the bereaved and make sure that their support system is on the way to aide). And those that died alone, with no family, their family having given up on them long ago (I never care why, alcohol, mental illness, or just plan mean spiritedness). Sometimes, they go unnoticed for days, and the only reason I went was because some saw or smelled something ‘for a day or two’ that caused them to call the cops (who call me, cause they think its gross).
            No death is dignified and no matter how many folks we have around, we each face our death alone. There is nothing dignified about losing control of your bodily functions and soiling yourself (isn’t that why mom always said to wear clean underwear?). I have looked into the eyes of the dying while doing my job, and there is a moment that they ‘know’. Sometimes it’s within 60 seconds of leaving, sometimes less. At that moment, I work as hard as I can. And I tell them, ‘I am here, you are not alone’. When there is nothing to do, I hold his or her hand, if no one else is there. I have had spiritual experiences more than once at these times. Hard to explain and sound sane.
            The most profound event was a gentleman I was working very hard on, I was sweating and my hands were doing many things at once. The place I was in became very bright, like right before a light bulb burns out. So bright, I had to squint. I looked at the lights to see if there was an impending danger that needed to be avoided, and then I felt warm all over. I was pretty sure that was due to the electrical problem too. Then, I just calmed. I felt warm and safe, embraced by the dead on his way by. This has happened more than once to me. I would hate to discover it was only my imagination.
            I believe in Hereafter. I don’t know who is in charge. Buddha, God, Yahweh, Gaia, or She-Ra. I don’t actually care. I believe that doing bad things will get you in trouble. I believe penance is important, and redemption. I believe there is a Divine Plan, and that Free Will can alter that spontaneously. But I think that is something you face alone too. Just like when the house is empty, and your mind starts to wander, YOU know YOUR truth. And so does the Deity. 

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